Free westinghouse sewing machine serial numbers
Free westinghouse sewing machine serial numbers

If you are passionate about sewing, or you are hunting for a good vintage sewing machine then you’ll appreciate this article. Since these items caught my interest, my next step was logically to do thorough research and learn how valuable these machines truly are. If I think about it more, I don’t know about any other vintage item that is in such demand because of its functionality over its historical value. That is the main reason why a lot of seamstresses are constantly in search of a good old sewing machine, and why if they own one they don’t want to sell it to collectors.

free westinghouse sewing machine serial numbers

It is not a secret that antique sewing machines are more precise, create stronger stitches and seams, and that they are in general more durable. However, that is not the case whit sewing machines. When we talk about any kind of working machine, some rational thinking is that the new and improved models and technologies have primacy over the old models.

Free westinghouse sewing machine serial numbers