Note: Homeless sims will not get generated infinitely, only enough to satisfy the game's requirements for NPCs, but this mod will very likely increase the population in your save file. Sims generated this way will remember their World, and will keep showing up there. If there are not enough Sims in the World to fill a necessary role, the game will automatically generate homeless Sims who live in that World. only Willow Creek residents will show up at Willow Creek venues, only Sims that live in Oasis Springs will show up in Oasis Springs). Sims you specifically invite via phone, club event, or group system are exempt, as are certain roles where it is necessary for gameplay. Home Regions changes the game so that NPCs, such as vendors or Sims walking in the background, will be Sims living in that local World (i.e. ( Download link below, under the mod description) Local Sims This is an updated version of the mod by SHUSHU that I enjoyed using in my own game and wanted to maintain as the game was updated and introduced new Worlds.

Right-click Vermintide 2 in your Steam library sidebar.The 'Verify Integrity of Game Files' option is accessible via the Steam client and will ensure the installation is complete. Under ‘Attributes’, deselect the ‘Read-only’ checkbox.Right-click user_nfig and select ‘Properties’.Navigate to: AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Vermintide 2.

Enter %appdata% and select the ‘OK’ button.If your subscribed mods continually revert to a 'Disabled' state (unticked in the 'Installed Workshop Mods' list), it's likely because your user_nfig is set to 'Read-only'. Ensure 'user_nfig' File is Not Set as 'Read-only'